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Friday, June 19, 2009

Life Update

Hey. I'm back.

I've also decided to use proper punctuation now. You know, capital letters and such.

Now...I had another job interview today. It went very well.
I've had great interviews, but this was the best yet. It was at a parish in Bethesda. Now I just have to be patient.

So the title is "life update."

1) I had that job interview. Sweet.
2) I'm leaving for Tom's wedding next Tuesday! Wow, I can't believe it's here already. I'm excited for the road trip and for Tom. His wedding is the 27th, but we're going down early just to relax. I'm also looking forward to seeing all of the guys.
-Kyle called yesterday and it was great catching up with him. I haven't talked to him in weeks since he doesn't get reception out there.
3) I'm meeting Matt Aujero for lunch today to catch up on life. Good stuff.
4) I get paid next week. Thank God!

Side note - my brother got his new laptop. It's sweet.
AND I realized that I need to start budgeting my money better now. I've been saying that I was budgeting, yet I need to put more away into savings. Esp since I am still unemployed.

The last thing today...
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful woman in my life. I tell her every once in a while when it comes to mind - that is, that I do not want to take her for granted. She's everything I wanted and more. Literally. Hard to believe that it's been two months already. Time flies.

Til next time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Heads Up

So, I did not get the teaching job that I applied for a few weeks ago. I found out yesterday by a letter in the mail.

I had a great interview, yet I unfortunately did not get the job.

Basically, I'm just trying to keep my head up and keep looking. It is rough out there, so I just need to be patient. Part of me is saying this because I believe it. The other part is saying it so that I may believe it.

Taking a minute to look around, I am quite blessed. I have a great family that is healthy, unlike a couple months ago. I have the most amazing person in the world that I get to call my girlfriend, Adrian. AND I have a roof over my head and a summer job. While my income is small, it is better than nothing.

With my head up and my eyes on my prize, I'm gonna keep looking. This is the real test as to whether or not I am a patient person. Time will tell.

In other news:
Random note, I am excited to see everyone at Tom's wedding in just a few short weeks. Wow. That's soon lol. The 27th.

AND we played poker last night. 12 guys. I got 5th place, but lady luck wasn't with me anyway.

SO, til next time, take it easy.

PS - Im listening to The E.N.D. by the Black Eyed Peas. Picked it up today from Target. Target's version comes with 10 bonus songs! Wow, right? Check it out.
