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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This blog post title has 2 meanings.
1) It's a pun on the last blog post title that JJ mentioned when I saw him.
2) I saw JJ! He wrote our House an amazing email. I'm keeping that forever. If you're reading this baby boy, much love!

The ministers are back for training already. Wow. I've been going back to school early for training for 2 years. But, it is time to move on.

Since the last post, cool things have happened. Leah is back for FOCUS. Robert is back for good, it seems. AND I was able to track Kyle down on the phone and he'll be here in just a couple weeks.

In other news, Lima, a bar off of McPherson Square, has a happy hour every weekday 5-6pm where you can get free drinks. No cover charge. No joke. Ask Kelsey or Matt. We enjoyed it.

In serious news, I am now waiting on a different job. Sister Sally is taking too long in getting back to me. She was supposed to let me know if I got the job last week. When I called her because I hadn't heard from her, she was going on vacation (again) and would let me know after she returned. Well I can't wait forever.
In the mean time, I applied for a manager job at Abercrombie on a whim because all you need is a BA degree.
They emailed me back the same day.
The next day I met the current manager. I sent them my resume that night.
The next day they called while I was at Mass, and they wanted me to come in and meet the distrcit manager.
I met the district manager Monday (yesterday) and tomorrow I am meeting with the other district manager.

In other words, they are serious. It's so refreshing to see that people are professional and they keep up with correspondance. Wow, it's nice.
This job is really exciting because the company takes care of their employees and promotes from within.

Now, last tidbit.
Mike Beard left yesterday for Peru and I got to talk to him on Sunday before he left. Gonna keep him in my prayers. Jules and Hannah, if you ever see this, I'm praying for u too.
AND the wonderful woman in my life never ceases to amaze me.

Check back soon. Maybe I'll have some major updates.