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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Life. Haha.

God has a sense of humor.
I mean that in a way, that is not disdainful, but rather, I think I am understanding his sense of humor in my life.

Last night was quite the interesting night. Great time.
Got to catch up with good people. Leah, Kyle, Matt Shaff, and Matt Quigs.
The night started at Rocket Bar, where Kyle and I played darts waiting for Leah. Once Leah arrived, it was almost as if she brought the interesting people.

We met quite the interesting crowd. A guy and a girl (not a couple) were playing darts on the board next to us. This girl's name was "Nichole," and she's from West Palm beach. That's how she spells her name. I won't forget that story. She believes that if a guy is nice that he only wants a woman for her body. Of course I couldn't let this go. I had to talk to her about where this belief came from and I had to explain that although there were 4 guys and 1 girl (Leah) at our table, that we were all just friends.

She was one of many interesting people.

Then we headed to RFD to get a brewski and hang out in an atmosphere that was conducive to talking.

Kyle crashed with me last night and after dropping him today, I was driving towards home, but had to get gas today since it's 5 cents off on weekends. $2.55. Can't beat that in this area.

As I was driving, I was thinking about last night and the car in front of me had a bumper sticker.
It said, "Don't give up. God has not finished with you."
This made me think that maybe I am still needed in terms of helping people.

I have been thinking about in which capacity I can best help others. I love coaching and I am making a difference for sure. I have been struggling to find a job that will allow me to help others.

At least with that bumper sticker, I know I'm on the right track.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Return from the Midwest

Wow. Ok, where to start?

Tangent. I'm seriously considering grad school now. Details later.

"West of the Mississippi," quote Kyle.

It sure is different there. I liked it. Lots of snow like us, but they handle it much better. I was afraid I wouldn't fly out yesterday because it was snowing, but flights were NOT ever delayed lol.

Drive Thru. There is a drive thru for everything. Ice cream (Sheridan's). Panda Express. Italian food? Coffee. I could go on forever. It's pretty amazing. If I lived there, it would probably lead to a lifestyle change. I would either need to workout 2 times a day everyday to stay fit, or I would eat everything and gain 200 lbs.

I also got to meet Adrian's grandparents on her father's side on Saturday. Her grandma is a hoot. She sure has some moxy. Her grandfather on the other hand, is aging, but nonetheless is a welcoming, warm man. Her grandma made lasagna for us for lunch and boy was it delicious. Baker's mints for dessert. Mmm. They are sold at Hallmark stores nationwide, but for 3x the price in Omaha.

And of course, it was Valentine's day on Sunday. We went out to breakfast at Farmhouse, which is this family owned breakfast place, kinda like a diner. They are known for the cinnamon rolls, which are really good and too big to finish. We went to Mass at St. Cecilia's Cathedral afterwards, which is beautiful and it is the location where Adrian graduated from high school (like the Basilica for me). Btw, Under the Tuscan Sun, is "an excellent movie." Notice the quotation marks.

I really enjoyed myself this weekend. While the weather was colder, I could not have had a better Valentine's Day weekend. It was too short, that's for sure.

Next post: grad school, crew coaching, and Mass Effect 2?

Thanks for reading. Much love to my readers, especially you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear Winter

Please note. Note to self and others. Song of the moment = Nothin' on You by B.o.B.
I just heard it yesterday. On my playlist now.

Dear Winter,

Currently, you are my least favorite season. I usually enjoy snow, but I guess that's also because it's rare here. Now I am currently loathing snow. I am looking forward to May weather with warm afternoons and fun practices coaching on the water. Dear Winter, no more snow fool.

The last time I was snowed in was earlier this winter in December. Yikes.

Now after receiving snow from the weekend, snow Tuesday into today (Wed), I am looking forward to sunny days. This weekend I am hopefully flying out to visit Omaha. Even though it's cold and snow is on the ground there, they actually have less snow. Wow.

Also to my readers, sorry that I will not be around this weekend. Most of my readers consist of the people that I lived with last year and thanks for reading btw. I hope you guys still get to meet up for dinner. Boo this snow. Ruining travel plans, get-togethers, and general transportation (metro is closed in the above ground stops).

I really can't wait til we are all re-united again.

On a side note, this weekend is also Valentine's Day. This "holiday" has never been anything special to me or worth noting. I do concur that this holiday mainly has to do with chocolate, jewelry, and flower companies making tons o' money. Although I'm not saying that's bad. Our economy sure could use the boost.
I think this is the first year that I have ever had a real valentine. Usually a friend would ask me because we were both valentine-less and. Never the same person twice mind you. Different friends.
Anyway, I thought it was definitely worth noting. Very cool in my book.

Onto other things...
I really love coaching. I like the difference I'm making and I wish I had a coach young like me when I was rowing in HS. Although, I did have a young coach, just not a mature coach. So yeah. Like me that is, for sure. I would love to coach again, but alas I have still not found a day job that can work around it. With loans and all, I think financially it may come down to me taking a full-time job doing something less enjoyable, but that's life. College grad with no job. Who would've called that?

As I read back over this entry, I want it to be clear that my tone declarative and not morose. I'm actually in quite high spirits.

Harry, if you're reading this, I didn't know that you became captain and could make deals with the UN.

Mike, if you're reading this, I wish we had your weather. Random note. Remember when we almost missed spring break because of snow? Snow sure does inconvenience our travel lol.

Jonathan, if you're reading this, remember that we need to do tortilla coast or something soon.

Until next time all,