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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Almost October

Thank God for fall. The weather is finally getting cool and it's much appreciated.
Car is working perfectly. Pay day is this Friday.

Speaking of fall, lots of things are coming up.
This weekend is Homecoming. I'm catching up with some good friends. Can't wait.

October is also a month of birthdays.

Not too much to post right now except that the song of the moment is:

"Like a G6." Download it. Not just because the guys are Asian. It's dope.

Friday, September 10, 2010

First September Post

Ah September...interesting month for sure.

School has started and is in full swing. I am working on a bunch of projects for the year and I've been staying busy. Thank God for a paycheck again!
Speaking of paychecks, where's my bonus? (seriously though) Hopefully it comes next week.

Back to school thoughts.
Yesterday I subbed for 5th grade in the afternoon.
In the morning, the teacher announced that she wouldn't be there.

Teacher: I won't be here this afternoon.
Kids: Aw!!! Why?
Teacher: But Mr. B will be here with you.
Kids: YAY!

I heard the celebration down the hall, but didn't know it was for me. I thought the kids were thinking that we would just shoot the breeze. The 5th grade aide said however, it's just that they like me. They were very well behaved and were rewarded with more marbles in their jar (which go towards watching a movie).

That made my day yesterday.

Today I gave the 4th grade classes, ice pops at the end of the day as the teachers requested. The kids loved them.
Poor Mrs. W. though! She was having a stressful day from the start. She's been teaching for 20 some odd years and she's a great teacher, but today she just seemed stressed. I felt really bad. I hope I can help her out more next week and relieve some of the burden.

Today was another (partially) unsuccessful day at the DMV. They had extended hours because the license database went down last weekend. However, it was still packed. Of course. At least I got a new license coming in the mail in a few days.

Overall the month has gone by pretty quickly already.
Tomorrow I might be catching up with my good friend Leah and maybe the guys, if they can make it.
Coach Ashley and I are meeting with the senior captains on Sunday for brunch to hear their thoughts about the upcoming season. Always a good time with that bunch.

Kyle should be back in a week or so from all of his traveling. It'll definitely be interesting to hear how it all went. Hope it's all going well buddy!

Btw, I am psyched because I now have 2 sets of Bose headphones/ear buds. You know how I love music.

As always, song of the moment. The last couple ones I mentioned are still being played, but the current hot one is an oldie-but-goodie: Make Me Over by Lifehouse.

Anyway, thanks for reading. More posts soon. Much love.