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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Patience! Patience?

to follow up with the last post:

The 2nd interview went well today. It's just an interesting situation. They are going to take 2 weeks to get back to me with an answer. 2 weeks from = 2 months since the first interview.
Sheesh! Nonetheless, I hope it goes well, or that something else comes up in the meantime.

Out of the 2 people interviewing, 1 I like.
The other is interesting.
I can't put my finger on it.
I can.
As my mom said, she's just looking for her replacement and can't let go. This woman was the youth minister many years ago at this parish, and it seems like no one will meet her standards.
She tried to intimidate me. It would've worked had I not had 2 very wonderful and trying years of experience at a university in ministry specifically already. These high schoolers won't be bad at all.
The only things which will prove to be trying: the parents and working with this woman.

Maybe it's meant to be. Maybe not.

If you're wondering, I'm sure this post has a distinct tone. I am both a little frustrated that they didn't offer me the job yet and also just frustrated in general that the next stage of my life is taking sooooo long to begin. Hence, the name of the post. Patience. I know I need to work on it more. People tell me that I'm patient. I guess I am with little things - like waiting in line at the grocery store. But alas, driving in traffic and waiting for the next part of my life to start have both definitely shown me how much more I need to remember...Patience...(deep breath in)...(deep breath out) His time and not mine.

As always, I'm a struggling doctor. No patience.

But I'm aware of that and working on it.

Til next time.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dang son!


New post, new time, same ole me - but that's how you like it.

My time...

has arrived.

But first...

Since the last post:
I went to FL for the wedding. Amazing time.
Good friends, good weather, good stuff.
Random note: I saw Afifeh yesterday and she said that she saw the Giuliani's (since she couldn't make the wedding). First time I've heard that. I just always say Tom and Kim are married! lol. They are a beautiful couple.

Yesterday, I hung out with Kelsey and Colleen and we hit up Q'doba. Yum yum, right? Right.
Good catching up. Very necessary.

The news.

My time has arrived! Or so I hope.

Yesterday all of my references were called, including: Luz, Fr. Bob/Emmjolee, and Meg.
This is serious! I have a second interview next Tues.
It seems like the 3rd though, because I already had to prepare essays and a calendar for them right after I got back from the wedding.

SO, when I know, you will too.

In fact, it is the same place that I wrote about in the last post. FINALLY!

I'm sure you can detect some relief in my tone. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but it is nice to be taken seriously.

On a very random note, I miss my friends. And you know who you are.

Poker tonight. Date tomorrow with the gf. Last duty Sunday. (In chronological order).

Ballin' and as our House would say, "Keep it real."